The Relationship Mistakes That Actually Make Your Marriage Better

Mistakes are life lessons in disguise. Although they’re uncomfortable in the moment, each one teaches us something about ourselves. They either reveal a strength we have or an area needing some correction. This is how individuals learn and improve. In relationships, for example, love errors help us discover more of what we want. Love and…

9 Easy Love Behaviors Any Couple Can Master

There are negative behaviors that impact a relationship that some couples fail to correct. Poor communication, a lack of sacrifice, and failure to support one another are the ones to absolutely avoid. There are 9, however, that should be present in every relationship and are pretty easy to master, if a couple chooses to.

How I Changed What I Didn’t Like About My Marriage

While I envisioned the details of the wedding, I had no idea what type of wife I should be. I didn’t have many examples around me when I was coming up, so I had to wing it. What I would learn was that my idea of winging it wasn’t working.