What Baggage Did You Bring?

The past is the past, right? Well, why does it creep into our marriages? Sometimes it is even disguised as something else. When I was growing up, I observed my mother do everything for us. She worked, paid the bills, and provided for our every need. She raised us alone and didn’t really have to…

6 Ways You May Be Acting Single While Married

One major observation I have when I coach couples is that it seems they sometimes forget their marriage is a partnership. The two may have said they’ve become one, but their actions tell a whole different story. I always listen intently as couples share their conflict. I coach them through their individual challenges before I…

How To Protect Your Relationship From Anything

Unfortunately, there is so much sadness and evil in this world today. It’s so easy to let some of what’s happening around us affect our relationships. A culture of selfishness and hate could quickly have an impact on even the best of marriages. Seeing friends divorce and hearing stories of infidelity and pain, could have…

Why Marriages Need an Annual Performance Review

One of the things I look forward to every year on my job is seeing what my manager thought of my overall job performance. It’s beneficial to me because I am reminded of my strengths, but also enlightened on my areas needing improvement. I’m usually aware of the things I could do to make me…

10 Amazing Dr. King Quotes That Also Apply to Marriage

As we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we must remember the work that still needs to be done. His message and wisdom are reminders that each of us have the responsibility of making this world a better place. We must begin with ourselves. In our homes, and especially as…

Loving Yourself Makes You a Better Lover

I desire to be a great wife who has a great marriage. That is my primary love goal. My husband needs attention, love, support and to feel like he’s my number one. Most of the time it’s simple to do. But honestly, there are some days when it’s a bit of a struggle. I don’t…

The Relationship Mistakes That Actually Make Your Marriage Better

Mistakes are life lessons in disguise. Although they’re uncomfortable in the moment, each one teaches us something about ourselves. They either reveal a strength we have or an area needing some correction. This is how individuals learn and improve. In relationships, for example, love errors help us discover more of what we want. Love and…

9 Easy Love Behaviors Any Couple Can Master

There are negative behaviors that impact a relationship that some couples fail to correct. Poor communication, a lack of sacrifice, and failure to support one another are the ones to absolutely avoid. There are 9, however, that should be present in every relationship and are pretty easy to master, if a couple chooses to.

How I Changed What I Didn’t Like About My Marriage

While I envisioned the details of the wedding, I had no idea what type of wife I should be. I didn’t have many examples around me when I was coming up, so I had to wing it. What I would learn was that my idea of winging it wasn’t working.